Juliette Gordon Low, on one of her travels abroad, met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, so girl scouts uniform true to their motto be prepared. Getting inspired, she returned to her home in Savannah, Georgia, and called her friend saying, “I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and the entire world, and we’re going to start it tonight!” Thus Girl Scouts was founded in 1912, aiming to empower girls and teach them values like honesty, courage, togetherness and character. A troop which started with just 18 girls is now world-wide with its membership count in the millions.
Uniforms were part of Girl Scouts from the beginning. The purpose of girl scouts uniform is to induce the sense of belongingness, despite the social class and nature, also allowing ease of movement in case of emergency. The colour of the uniforms has changed over the years. It is not mandatory that a Girl Scout should always wear her uniform. However, the required official article of the uniform (tunic, sash or vest), on which awards and medals are displayed is a must while attending official functions.
Girl Scouts Uniform True To Their Motto Be Prepared: Types of Uniforms
Girl Scout uniforms are of four types, differing in colour of the official article. This is dependent on the group members belonging to, which is divided according to their age. One common item is the Girl Scout pin for Girl Scouts of USA and the World Trefoil pin for the membership in World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
- Girl Scout Daisy (ages 5-6) members wear a blue tunic or vest with white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Daisies also have a full uniform ensemble which includes a beanie with a leggings or skirt.
- Girl Scout Brownie (ages 7-8) members’ uniform is a dark brown vest or sash worn with white shirt and khaki pants or skirt.
- Girl Scout Junior (ages 9-10) members wear a jade green vest or sash along with a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt.
- Girl Scout Cadettes (ages 11-13); Seniors (ages 14-15) and Ambassadors (ages 16-18) have a khaki vest or sash to be worn over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Girl Scouts in High School can also wear an official scarf to display their sisterhood with Girl Scouts world-over.
- Adult Girl Scouts are the group over the age of 18 and it includes men. They don’t have a uniform and can wear navy blue business suits. The official items of their attire are official sweaters and insignia scarf for women and an official tie for men.
The sash is worn from the right shoulder to the left hip. Unofficial awards like cookies and fun patches are pinned on the back of the uniform and the insignia tab goes on left chest. Girl Scout uniforms are never complete without the badges, medals and patches obtained for completing the requirement of each activity of the program.
The Girl Scout uniforms, with earned medals and awards are a source of pride for all members, as it proves their level of dedication to the society.